If you are here as an asylum-seeker, or have been settled here as a Refugee, we want to welcome you to our city. To help you in your time here we have the following activities.
Why not visit the Welcome to Wakefield website?
WDCoS Food Store
We operate a food store for those people who are asylum seekers or refugees and would like some help with food.
Visit us at The Sanctuary at St Michaels
We are open from 10am to 3pm on Wednesdays and Fridays.
The Sanctuary,
St Michaels,
Westgate Common,
Contact us:
Food Store team : [email protected]
Clothing Store team:
[email protected]
General enquiries:
[email protected]
Text or phone:
07800 605397
English Lessons (via ZOOM)
Monday to Friday mornings – we are offering English Classes